Evernote gtd reference system
Evernote gtd reference system

evernote gtd reference system evernote gtd reference system

To be fair, this was every bit as true when I used to carry organisational clutter around in moleskine notebooks instead: ‘notebooks’ provide too much organisation at the macro level and too little organisation at the micro level. The notebooks soon become arbitrary structures, filled with information organised in a sub optimal way and I’m never known how to rectify that state of affairs. It just doesn’t cohere with how I think or with the kinds of information I want to use it to record. I find it hard to pin down precisely what my problem with it is but I feel immensely antipathetic towards using it. I won’t rehearse my issues with it here but the one that really matters is that I simply can’t stand the interface.

evernote gtd reference system

I’ve written in the past about my dislike for Evernote and near continuous search for an alternative to it.

Evernote gtd reference system